Dear Friends of MAD HUNGRY,
As we head into the second decade of our family business, Mad Hungry, we must thank you for your support! Hopefully our books, spurtles and other Mad Hungry kitchen tools have brought service and fun to your kitchen activities.

Our big news is announcing Lucinda’s forthcoming cookbook
Italian American Family Recipes and the
Story of the Women Who Created Them
It will be released in March, in time to celebrate Women’s History Month and Mother’s Day. Hopefully, while on book tour, we’ll get to meet some of you in person!

Meanwhile, a very important element for the success of a book these days is the preorder activity. If the publisher and sales teams of book sellers see activity then an author is assured that enough copies are printed. Next, hopefully as the word spreads, the book is widely distributed and able to be bought, gifted and lent by all who wish to do so. Therefore, I’m asking anyone who is moved to do so to take a minute and preorder the Mother Sauce Cookbook here. We know you’ve enjoyed many of our classic recipes and in this book are over 100 iconic Italian American favorites.

Also, in the coming months, we’ll give you the chance to receive and enjoy other original content from us. As we move forward cooking in our home kitchens let’s always remember what our foremothers and forefathers have taught us. American food is a symbol of our melting pot story that shaped all our traditions as the blended culture that we are. So many of our cooking roots have evolved from the simple, frugal domestic spaces of immigrants. They are full of pride and connections to all of our pasts from wherever our ancestors came to America from. It’s the ever-simmering pot that we all share.

Love and best wishes for the holiday season,
Lucinda Scala Quinn and Team
Mother Sauce
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