Heat Wave Recipes

Yesterday on MH Radio we talked about heat wave remedies and oven-less recipes. Since the hot weather is just beginning here in New York, we want to continue the conversation and gather more recipe ideas to help us make it through the week! Here’s a photo of one of our radio callers’ delicious looking fig… View Article

Updates: Life after Tour, Radio, Kitchen Wisdom, and QVC

I know, I know..the whole point of a blog is to feed the beast daily if not twice or three times. Actually—you’d think I’d really EMBRACE that since its so much easier than writing a book or magazine article which is what I’m usually doing. This old dog is trying to learn the new trick of daily… View Article


This young Quinn son along with a brother or two (and possibly a Popalops phone-in) will join me on Eatdrink today 4:00 EST on the radio at Sirius 112/XM 157. If you don’t subscribe I believe you can trial listen on line. Just check it out at http://www.sirius.com/. These are the subjects of Mad Hungry… View Article
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