Updates: Life after Tour, Radio, Kitchen Wisdom, and QVC

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I know, I know..the whole point of a blog is to feed the beast daily if not twice or three times. Actually—you’d think I’d really EMBRACE that since its so much easier than writing a book or magazine article which is what I’m usually doing. This old dog is trying to learn the new trick of daily blogging so thanks for the patience (those of you who look for it).

My book tour, which only ended a couple weeks ago seems like a year ago already!

 I’m settled right back in my day job at Martha Stewart preparing some very cool food stories for the magazine and getting ready for the summer work, which is always exciting in our business because it means working with all the amazing fresh fruits and vegetables of the season—a suprisingly fleeting treat.

June is our Food issue at MSL and I am really happy with the issue this year. One feature in particular is called Kitchen Wisdom in which our food team (including Martha) share our little secrets for success in the kitchen–those little tidbits no one formally teaches you, but rather you pick them up along the way from family, friends and colleagues. Starting tomorrow we’ll have a Wisdom Wednesday live Twitter chat every week and hope to both advise, share and learn from you too. If you have questions, send them in advance on Twitter to @MS_Living with the hashtag #KitchenWisdom.

Also “live”, I’ve gotten back to the groove of doing radio. For anyone who wants to chat Mad Hungry—we’re on Sirius Stars 106 every Monday from 1-2PM EST, where we take calls from listeners at 866.675.6672 as well as questions and comments from Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #MHMondays. It’s worth tuning in for the great conversations, but also, we’ll be giving away a set of SPURTLES for the next two weeks!

Radio has always been a love of mine and I’m always suprized at how one little topic finds so much interesting conversation. This past week it was all about Texas Sheet Cake—something this Northerner just learned about this year. If you have any concrete history on the subject please share it at madhungrylsq@gmail.com or if you have a great recipe I’d love that too.

One last note on my trusty spurtle: We’ll be back on QVC June 26th (a Weds night) around 8pm In the Kitchen with David and this is the chance to get your own Mad Hungry set of spurtles, if you don’t already have one OR get some gifts for the cook in your life. You really can’t beat the price and workhorse nature of this utensil. I gave one to Martha a while ago and just today she mentioned how finally she got to use the spurtle this weekend and she used it for everything and LOVES it!

Again—thanks all for your conitinued support on this blog as I get back  in the blogging groove. Don’t forget to follow Twitter or Instagram too @madhungrylsq—where the short and sweet notes and pics come to you daily, directly from moi.


  • Dana June 4, 2013 at 6:19 pm

    So nice to see you blogging on here. So many people love blogs. Still no mention of TV or video yet. We want our Mad Hungry.


  • Kendall June 4, 2013 at 6:22 pm

    I’m one of many who check into your blog all the time to see what’s new. 🙂


  • Mike June 4, 2013 at 8:38 pm

    There are plenty of us who look at your blog each day. That’s why we like updates, new content, etc.


  • Pismofinest1641 June 4, 2013 at 11:24 pm

    Hi Lucinda,
    Wish your show Mad hungry was still on miss my 11am time with you.

  • Grace June 5, 2013 at 8:37 pm

    Blogging about food is so popular. That’s why I’m always looking for your posts. Enough of the Twitter and Facebook. Let’s learn to have a dialogue.


  • carte r4 3ds June 6, 2013 at 11:30 am

    Thank you very much for the great list and I appreciate your efforts to bring such a huge list for us.

  • Carrie June 7, 2013 at 5:30 am

    Hi Lucinda,

    Miss your show. I follow food blogs daily. There are so many “foodies” out there. I’ve been following your previous guest, John Contratti’s blog (and others) for a long time. I would love to know how he comes up with his recipes. I see you are back on the radio. I would love to “hear” him as a guest. Apparently MH brought him quite a bit of attention. Miss seeing you and Calder with new shows.


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