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One thing about Dayton, Ohio: I met Tricia who has a great blog

It’s new to me but I love it. Today she ran a cookbook giveaway for MH and, after reading the comments left, I am all the more focused on the mission of this book. After many travels, signings, interviews etc–it’s easy to question certain things. Some journalists have incorrectly assumed the title to be sexist (huh??). I mean read in a few lines and you see what I say. Cook for the men in your life, teach them to cook for themselves and they will pass it on. Hello! Guys and gals are different folks, and anyone who denies it is just PC to the max.
Couldn’t be happier to be home for the weekend. Enjoying just a wee thimble of scotch with hubby. The bacon smells amazing as it sizzles away, awaiting those collards heading into the pan. Oven roasted some cauliflower (you know I’m a 2-vegetable per dinner gal). Hanger steak too and haven’t figured out what else yet. But–something yummy, no doubt. simple, plain but still yummy.
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