I love the smell of bacon in the morning

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I made a pound of bacon yesterday (drained on recycled paper bags) and it was immediately devoured. I made another pound this morning: crumbled in omelettes, nestled next to the eggs on a plate, rolled in toast and last but not least–layered into a large roll with tomatoes, lettuce and mayo squashed into a soccer bag awaiting the midafternoon mad hunger of one large soccer playing boy. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. NEVER be caught without bacon!

Btw, I’ve loved hearing feedback from folks about MHTV on Hallmark. I am loving making these programs and even happier that they are being so well received. Please keep the comments and ideas coming. I really appreciate them. And, spread the word: Mad Hungry on Hallmark Mon-Fri at 11:00 am. Check the channel locater on the side of this blog for the cable number in your area.



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  • Cathie Detzel September 26, 2010 at 3:48 pm

    The smell of bacon reminds me of Sunday mornings when I was a young girl. Sitting down with my family to a huge, wonderful breakfast. Yum.

  • Kim September 26, 2010 at 11:09 pm

    My family made your Cheese Bacon Quesadillas this weekend and we loved them! We even added avocado, salsa, tomatoes & cilantro to some of the quesadillas for the grown ups. They were a hit. Thank you for the wondeful recipe.

  • Karen September 27, 2010 at 12:12 am

    There’s nothing like bacon to bring my kids to the kitchen – although I do find that I’m doing more turkey bacon these days. Love, love, love the Mad Hungry show – it is 30 min. of TV that is really worth my time! It is the best of the entire Hallmark line-up. Wish you much continued success!

  • Pam September 27, 2010 at 9:50 am

    I DVR your show everyday and watch the next am while eating breakfast before heading out to work. Oldest son (22) watched & HAD to go to the store ASAP to buy bacon & bagles to make the breakfast sandwiches. Loved them so much, made them again the next day for his girlfriend! Thx for the great ideas to drag young men into the kitchen to learn to cook! Keep up the wonderful shows!

  • linda wyly November 6, 2010 at 8:50 pm

    I also DVR your show, I make many of your meals, the cupcakes with marshmellow topping is so fun with my grandkids! I would like to hear about your preferences of kitchen things i.e. mixer and knives that are used. I am in the market for a new Kitchenaid mixer and would like to know if you like the anniversary mixer. Thanks

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