Recipes from Today’s Shows: Hungry Boys, My Son’s Cravings, a Kid-Friendly Menu, and Wonder Years Dinner

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At 10AM TODAY: Hungry Boys. When the after school hunger pangs hit, I can’t count how many times I’ve heard, “I’m starving, and there’s nothing in the house to eat!” Nine times out of 10, I can prove that theory wrong with some simple pantry ingenuity.

Get the recipes:
Outside-the-Box Mac and Cheese
Simple Steamed Broccoli
Pineapple Floats

At 10:30AM TODAY: My Son’s Cravings. Luca’s been craving hearty Italian dishes, so I’m giving into his stomach’s requests.

Get the recipes:
Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo
Sauteed Asparagus
Crudites with Italian Vinaigrette
Amaretti Cookie Parfait

At 11AM TODAY: Kid-Friendly Menu. Getting kids involved in meal time is important but can also be fun. These fast and fun meals are a great way to get kids to eat- and help make- dinner and today, my nieces Callie and Bella are here today to help me out in the kitchen.

Get the recipes:
Pasta Wheels with Cheese
Chicken Tenders with Herb-Buttermilk Dressing
Devil’s Food Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow Topping

At 11:30AM TODAY: Wonder Years Dinner. There’s no bigger compliment than when someone says, “Just like mom used to make” and today, I have my amazing mom Rose in the kitchen to make all my favorite dishes from growing up.

Get the recipes:
Old School Meatloaf
Zucchini and Potato Jambot
Pear Ginger Parfait

Watch two full hours of ”Mad Hungry with Lucinda Scala Quinn” weekdays starting at 10 a.m. /9 a.m. CT on Hallmark Channel.

  • Melissa Graves September 19, 2012 at 11:06 am

    I absolutely love your show. I noticed that as of Oct. 1 there are no more listings for your show or Martha Stewart. Are you going to be continuing on another network? I sure hope so as I watch you & Martha daily and am not interested in the other shows coming on TV.
    Melissa Graves
    a true follower!

  • Janet September 19, 2012 at 11:59 am

    I love your show too when I can find it..the stupid networks keep changing your time and I can’t find it most of the time otherwise I would watch it more often

  • carole shaffer September 19, 2012 at 3:02 pm

    I love your show and your family..I can’t seem to find the childrens menu you did with taco’s and pickled vegies…Maybe I am looking in the wrong places…thanks for all your ideas

  • Joanne Hall September 19, 2012 at 4:54 pm

    Great show! These recipes just look so amazing, I can’t wait to make the Wonder Years Dinner, so perfect

  • Carol Nardei September 21, 2012 at 2:05 pm

    I look forward to your show everyday. I sincerely hope that yours and Martha Stewart’s shows will continue. I am retired and look forward to my cooking and baking lessons every day. It’s wonderful!

  • Ruth September 23, 2012 at 8:11 pm

    I’ve been watching you and your recipes for some time 11-11:30 and have just learned of your new extended time! Sooooooo glad!!!!!!!! Now I can drool for two hours – great! Love your show and your boys. I have three grandsons with similar appetites who also cook. Best of luck on your new endeavors – looking forward to it.

  • Patricia Balch February 8, 2013 at 2:32 pm

    Loved the pan you used to stream the red quinoa on Thurs. show (repeat) Feb. 7th,
    2013. Can you tell me who makes it ?
    Thank you.

  • Nancy February 28, 2013 at 12:10 pm


    On the current show airings, it is said that in order to get the recipes, go to site: Well, why can’t I get any of the recipes shown? I have been all over the site and cannot retrieve them. What gives? Especially interested in the wings that Calder invented (in college) but can’t seem to get that recipe either.

    Please help! Thank you.

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