Been Fishin’

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After a busy working summer, I am so happy to be out of the city with the family hanging at the beach, on the water, in the kitchen, at the bookstore, on my bicycle–all on a ten day holiday. I disconnected for all but a few of those days which I highly recommend now and then for those of you are are wired to the teeth with your blackberry’s iphones, ipads, cell phones. It is very therapeutic once I got the hang of it but took some conscious effort since I’ve become really accustomed to connecting with everyone!

Meanwhile, back on the boat, we went fishing for strippers and had the best time. Problem is–there was a 4 day nor’easter storm which jumbled up the ocean. Until then folks were catching them left and right using live bait (mackerel) which you just take a bit of time to catch before heading out for the big fish. Captain Nick knew something was up when the mackerel were no where to be found. And on our maiden stripper trip the only thing we caught was our shadow!!!

It’s the first no-fish-catching-trip Nick has had in several years. Bummer.

So–we went home, made a trip to the fishmonger and Miles rocked our taste buds with an amazing meal anyway which I’ll post next time.

Meanwhile, I’m glad to be back–all psyched up for the fall and a whole new project with Mad Hungry TV about to launch on September 13th at noon on the Hallmark Channel. The boys join me on a few episodes too! Check it out.

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1 Comment
  • Judith Sargent January 31, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    I love your show. You are airing to many reruns now. I wait unpationatly for your new shows.

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