Blueberry And Cutie Pies

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My brother Peter’s family spends a lot of time together around activities that lead to delicious eating. Last week they went blueberry picking on Cape Cod and made this blueberry pie. My first question was about the crust–which recipe did they use because the crust came out so nice. They went to the MSLO website and got the Pate Brise which is made entirely in the food processor. Sometimes this dough can be difficult to handle because of all the butter but if Pete and three little hands could manage it than so can you. It has the best taste to flake ratio of any dough I know. But, I usually stick to the slightly easier (for me) basic pie dough in the Mad Hungry book.

Pete has also become a very reliable rib cooker (now rivaling his older brother Jim). His rub is fantastic and he’s got the cooking down so nothing is burned but everything is caramelized beautifully. Still we never let him forget the time he mistook cayenne pepper for sweet paprika in the rub. There is no greater buzz kill than waiting all afternoon for the slow smoking ribs–aroma driving you crazy , only to put them to your lips and burn your face off. No one, not even the spiciest hot food eaters could eat those ribs. He may still get relentlessly teased by his siblings, brother-in-law and nephews but his ribs now speak for themselves. Aren’t they beautiful?

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  • mcs3000 August 24, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    Those ribs are off the hook. Wish I could grab some + the pie. Love the fam postings – my fave. Counting down to your show. Happy summer – which has finally come to SF.

  • Nicole@ The Dirty Oven August 29, 2010 at 10:01 pm

    I love ribs. We only have but once a year on Labor day…. can't wait!

  • kerry September 3, 2010 at 5:56 pm

    Hello,I wanted to pass along what I wrote about your work, here is the link… ribs look amazing…they are something I rarely try making. They always remind me of the Flintstones and Wilma putting a huge meaty bone on the table for Fred. Men seem to love eating meat off bones like that.k

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