Recipes from Today’s Show: Easy Make-Ahead Strategies

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TODAY on MHTV: I’m always on the lookout for creative ways to stretch one meal into two … or three, and I’ve found I can build almost a week’s worth of meals from one roast turkey breast. I add lime to the pan drippings to make a dressing for my turkey and corn salad. My turkey, avocado, and cress wraps are a great to-go lunch, and kids love my cute and colorful turkey roll-ups. More from the show.

Get the recipes from this episode:

Roast Turkey Breast

Turkey-Corn Salad with Pan-Dripping Dressing

Turkey, Avocado, and Cress Wrap

Kids’ Turkey Roll-Ups

Watch ”Mad Hungry with Lucinda Scala Quinn” Mondays through Fridays at 12 p.m. ET/11 a.m. CT on Hallmark Channel.

  • Anne-Marie Stanley October 10, 2011 at 11:13 am

    I love your show and I cook what you cook nightly. You are amazing. Now I have a tip for you. It alot of your shows you State that tomato once you open up a can you waste it well here is the tip. one up a can of tomato paste use what you need. Then on the open end place a saran wrap over the open end with an rubber band. place in the freezer. When frozen open up the other end of the can and put under warm water for a few seconds now push the paste out presto you have tomato paste slice off what you need and freeze again a great way to use left over tomato paste. I am making your wonton things tonight. I love your show and would love to cook with you someday keep up those awesome recipies and I will keep watching

  • Jamie October 10, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    Hi Lucienda,

    Thanks for your easy way of cooking and showing us how to make tasty meals. My mother is a southern cook, and I can remember that there were certain things she would not substitute such as Crisco, Kraft mayonnaise, Parkay margarine, etc. I would like to exactly duplicate the taste of your recipes, so I wanted to know what Olive oil you used.


  • Dan October 10, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    Hi Lucinda,

    Loving the new season. I know you said you filmed 50 episodes. As the weeks are going by, so are the new episodes. I was wondering if you will be making more. We need our Mad Hungry.


  • Carolyn October 12, 2011 at 11:50 am

    Made your turkey roll ups for my 6 year old and he loved them — a great change of pace for his lunch box! Can’t wait to try the turkey avacado wraps for myself — yummy! Love your show and really enjoy all of your family-friendly recipes.

  • Yay October 12, 2011 at 9:07 pm

    Where can I get the oval All Clad baker your used to cook the turkey breast? Thanks!

  • Winnipeg Restaurants February 10, 2013 at 2:55 pm

    We are a big fan of the family meal. That’s why much of our Winnipeg catering business is centered around holiday/family meals (Passover, Thanksgiving, christmas, etc). Most people these days place this kind of catering order for two reasons. The first is the quality of the food and the guarantee of a consistent product (you don’t have to make a contingency plan for when you burn the turkey or dry out the roast). The 2nd reason is the convenience of having someone else take care of it for you.

    Here’s a little trick to make your family meals stretch for longer. When your putting everything away, rather than putting a few larger leftover containers in the fridge to be picked away at until you have to throw half of it away, divide them into individual portions. Those little sandwich bags seem to work the best. Split your leftovers into individual portions, roll them up and freeze them. Leave out just enough that you can eat in the next couple days. When you want a turkey sandwich, just take one portion out of the freezer and pop it in the microwave. Alternatively you can plan ahead and defrost a few ahead of time.

    You can do this with meats, pasta, gravy, or almost anything! Of course nothing beats fresh though. 🙂

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