Recipes from Today’s Show: Lunch Party

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TODAY on MHTV: Making a simple menu that’s perfect for feeding a big crowd fast. A guacamole starter holds everybody over until oven-crisped flautas are ready and a banana cake for dessert is a sweet way to end the meal. More from the show.

Get the recipes from this episode:


Oven-Crisped Flautas

Banana Cake

Watch ”Mad Hungry with Lucinda Scala Quinn” Tuesdays through Fridays at 11 a.m. ET and 11:30 a.m. ET on Hallmark Channel.

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  • Ann Damico June 7, 2011 at 1:00 pm

    When printing a copy of your great recipes the print is IMPOSSIBLE to read. Why use the smallest print? I’m losing interest in trying to keep up. Lucinda, I do have your wonderful book, but the recipes on TV are disappointing.
    Help, please advise.
    A very loyal fan.

  • Jane June 7, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    I totally disagree with Ann. The recipes on Mad Hungry have been great recently. Now there are repeats on. We’ve seen them before. Before the repeats, there were great southern recipes from Virginia and the rollatini and side raddichio dish from John were terrific. Keep up the great work LSQ!!!!!!!!

  • Edie June 7, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    Attention: Sam Holland

    It looks like your the person to help me. I’ve had so many friends make the eggplant rollatini and vegetable side dish the teacher John made. Can you tell me the air date of that show so I can find the recipes. I’m not so computer savy and don’t know how to find them. Thanks for your help, Sam.


  • Edie June 7, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    P.S. LSQ your tv recipes are the best. I don’t know what viewer Ann is talking about.


  • Sam Holland June 7, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    Hey Edie,

    Happy to help. That show aired on 4/18/2011. Here’s a direct link to the show page:

    Happy cooking!


  • Kathy June 20, 2011 at 1:08 pm

    I made the banana cake the day I saw it on tv. I used a memo pad and I have the steps numbered all over the place with 5 in the middle lol The cake was great, as usual! I am making the flautas for lunch. It is always helpful getting recipes you can make fast with no fuss when your child is out of school. Thanks LSQ! Always a fan! (There isn’t a day that I don’t have your cookbook in my hand 😛 ) hmmmm Bananas looking a bit brown lol Banana cake today too lol

  • Renee T. June 20, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    I have to say, I respectfully disagree with Ann, regarding the tv recipes being a disappointment. I have dvr’d almost every single episode of MH, and I am never disappointed in what the show has to offer. Even my husband enjoys your show, and it is a constant source of inspiration for our daily meals. Regarding the tiny print – it is true…some of the recipes seem to print at a smaller font size than others. In this episode, The font used in the flautas recipe was larger than the Banana Cake. What I could recommend, is to bring up the recipe as if to print, but copy and paste just the text into your word processing document…then you can adjust the font size to your liking. HTH

  • Kathy June 20, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    Did you know if that if you take the baking soda and sprinkle it over the bananas and let it sit, the bananas will break down and make it easier to mash with a fork?

    Aside: Good thing I lost my memo pad notes of the banana cake lol That had 5 steps, and the printout is so much easier to go by with only the 3 steps lol Flautas were great. miss lamie’s fried chicken (pg 117) tonight with banana cake for dessert.

  • teirrah September 20, 2011 at 12:09 pm

    Can the recipes print out or be filed ?
    I’m missing something.
    All info appreciated

  • Arlene DeLong October 2, 2011 at 8:01 pm

    The flautas are wonderful! I used salsa instead of tomatos and added cumin and chili powder. Also added cooked chorizo. But the best is that the leftover flautas made a WONDERFUL breakfast reheated with fried eggs on top. They were amazing! I reheated the flautas on low with a little olive oil in the pan I later used for the eggs then put the flautas on a cookie sheet on a low oven temp (about 275) to stay warm while I fried the eggs. Awesome!!!!

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