Recipes from Today’s Show: Vegetarian Italian Dinner
Published by Lucinda Scala Quinn
TODAY on MHTV: I came home to find some beautiful fresh eggplants on the counter, so those are going into one of my recent inventions — eggplant Parm stacks. Think of it as deconstructed eggplant Parmesan, ready in half the time with twice the flavor. I’m rounding out my Italian vegetarian dinner with ricotta bruschetta, salad, and a tangy, refreshing Campari-orange cocktail. More from the show.
Get the recipes from this episode:
Tri-Color Salad (Arugula, Radicchio and Fennel Salad)
Watch ”Mad Hungry with Lucinda Scala Quinn” Mondays through Fridays at 12 p.m. ET/11 a.m. CT on Hallmark Channel.
Tags: arugula, bruschetta, campari, campari-orange cocktail, cocktail, eggplant, fennel, lemon-ricotta spread, radicchio, ricotta, salad, tri-color salad
Categorised in: Recipes
Categorised in: Recipes
I just love Martha Stewarts show! She always has such great recipes. My husband is always pleased when I try something new from Martha. I can’t wait to try the eggplant parmesan stacks.
It took me 5 days to get a recipe printed. I just discovered where the NEW location for printing is.
ARE YOU KIDDING!! YOUR NEW WEBSITE IS FOR THE BIRDS!!!! S O R R Y, it will never do, is this an error? “PRINT” is not visible until you put you font to “0”. Unacceptable!!!!!
Ann Damico
Hi…Very Disappointed Mad Hungry is now 1/2 hr..
Besides learning so much from her style of cooking…Equally enjoy Lucinda’s personality..
This a terrible decision…
The eggplant recipe looked awesome..and I never really liked egplant..but I do like the way it was cooked..definately will try this recipe..
Like the show at !!:00 a.m.
Hi Lucinda,
I loved your eggplant today. The first time I ever made eggplant was when you introduced us to teacher/cook John Contratti. I saw John cooking on a cable show not to long ago. He cooked some amazing things and was out promoting his new cooking blog. It’s a great blog. Have you seen it? Hope he will be back on Mad Hungry soon. He said so much has been happening since appearing with you. He said that you are the best. I agree.
You deserve to be at 11:00 AM again.
I am so disappointed that the Mad Hungry episodes are no longer visible online and that I can’t access the show archives like last season. These videos are so inspiration and educational and living in Europe makes it impossible to watch the shows on Hallmark. I hope this is a mistake and that the old format will come back to the website.
Hello all,
Like all of you, I am sorely disappointed that we can’t have more of Lucinda. Her REAL cooking for families is what is needed now. Don’t get me wrong, I like Emeril. But I don’t want to be a chef or cook like a chef. I want to feed my family real food, and balance the rest of my life, just like Lucinda does. My boys eat exactly like hers do. If I wanted fancy, smancy cooking, I would go to a restaurant or something. Are you listening, Martha? Lycinda is a winner and real for today’s families. Please give us more of her, PLEASE!
I agree with everyone else. I am so disappointed that you cannot watch her videos and when you print the recipes, no picture to see what the food should look like. I don’t watch cooking shows but my 87 years old Italian mother watches them every day. When she told me abount Lucinda, I find myself constantly checking the time so I don’t miss her show. Lucinda makes me feel as if I were one of her family. Bring back the hour show and videos.
I’m glad that I’m not the only one with gripes. I love Lucinda’s show and the opportunity to review videos and especially print recipes. What gives?! Mad Hungry is still one of my favorite cooking shows, but this new website update is ridiculous! I can’t imagine that any of these changes truly represent what the typical Hallmark viewer really wants. I miss the extra Mad Hungry episode, but at least make the website user friendly again. I shouldn’t have to handwrite the recipes I want. Somebody needs to listen to their public.
I also agree. I want to see more of Mad Hungry not less! Why reduce her show and make it difficult to print her recipes. I have her cookbook but still like to watch the videos, where are they? Why the change??
There’s an old saying, “IF IT’S NOT BROKE, DON’T FIX IT”
Disappointed Viewer 🙁
Had just about given up on eggplant parm — too labor intensive and too greasy! Well, I tried this recipe and absolutely loved it. Went to the farmer’s market today and got two more eggplant to make it again — and again. Another great recipe from LSQ — or as my husband fondly calls “The Mad Woman.”
I’m having a tough time printing recipes. I can’t find the archives, either. Has anyone figured out how to print and/or how to find archived shows?
I agree with everyone else. I wonder why we can’t watch the show on the internet or have access to show archives. It’s terrible!!!
I am also disappointed that the tv archives are off the website. I loved watching them as Hallmark is not offered in Canada. LSQ you had a wonderful show that inspired me to buy your book and keep cooking for my boys. This move cancel your content from the web is saddening.
Trying to find recipes from the show online is not easy enough. I used to be able to find something called recipe archives which I am unable to do now. What is the easiest way to find a recipe if you only know the name or the ingredients but not the episode number. Thanks
LOVE the show!..sad, only one episode on now :(…really???…why can’t i print a recipe??…won’t stop me from watching love lucinda!…just makes it harder for me to make the recipes…I’ll be running back and forth from my kitchen to the computer!
Please bring back the show archive! For so many of us it’s the only way to watch Mad Hungry. The new website is so user un-friendly. Clips from the new season of the Martha Stewart Show are available to watch using the episode guide, but there is no episode guide for Mad Hungry. What gives??
Lucinda I miss you! Website designers: the changes to are not good!
Like almost EVERYONE else on here, I am quite miffed and dismayed about the revamped site and the newly omitted archives section. I understand that it is’s doing, as NO archives are available, but it is a nuisance to say the least.
I can’t watch the show often, so the archives with the video content was glorious. Thank goodness for Lucinda’s blog which lists and liks all recipes displayed on her show, but the return of video streaming would be awesome.
I love eggplant. Never had it until teacher John made it. I see people are looking for his wonderful website. I fond it.
I’m enjoying it very much.
PLEASE……more Lucinda not less!! Thank you.
Please……more Lucinda not less! Thank you.
Love Mad Hungry. I watch it every day. Why don’t you get rid of Emeril and expand Mad Hungry. Your website needs work. hard to find things.