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I took one whole week off of blog/facebook/twitter etc. No special reason–just a little vacation from the techno-frontlines because I want these activities to stay fun–not burdensome. And, this is the first time all year that–with sons all out of town, hubs and I ate out four whole nights which is very unusual for us. It was fun–kind of like being on vacation or a honeymoon. I wouldn’t want to make a steady diet of it but–with NYC 97 degree heat–it was worth the expense. We ate our favorite NYC resto’s: Marea, Porterhouse, Locanda Verde and Yakitori Toto.

But, I cooked all weekend up at my moms–here is a little steak dinner, Asian style: porterhouse and portobellas marinated in teriyaki sauce and grilled, plain steamed bok choy, ditto the fresh corn and cilantro rice. I’ve been on a kick of stirring fresh cilantro into things: butter for corn, tossed into rice, scattered over steamed greens. Most of the fish, meat and veg I’ve been cooking has been such pure natural product that just a little hint of spice or herbs is all that’s needed to enhance.

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1 Comment
  • Kenn August 2, 2010 at 10:38 am

    Sometimes you just have to unplug.. Not only from technology, but also your stove,mixer,and oven! Sounds like you enjoyed your unplugged time!@GardenGuyKenn

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