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Try as I might to post several times this weekend, I seem to be unable to load up pix and video.

To come:
1. A couple recipes that cook overnight, while you’re sleeping–no fuss to prep but huge flavor on the other side.
2. Cooking for 10 people in a rented house over 6 days and nights for under $500
3. Feeding young kids healthfully and successfully (related to number 2)
3. Philosophical notes on dieting for the post holiday season. Clue: don’t “diet” just refocus.
Hopefully the tech guys at work can help me today.
Best to all for 2010. Here we go.
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  • GardenGuyKenn January 4, 2010 at 8:29 pm

    I hope you get the technology thing figured out! Glad to see you back from the holiday break!

  • LUCINDA SCALA QUINN January 5, 2010 at 9:55 am

    Hey Ken,Still challenged but soon come. Happy New Year to you too.Best,LSQ

  • Anonymous January 6, 2010 at 12:57 pm

    Happy New Year! Any soup recipes to help beat the colds and flu going around this year?BTW, I posted back in Oct. regarding the book giva a way and never heard back.Thanks

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