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Hey folks, I’m back from the wild wiLD, WILD WEST but more on that later when I can really talk about it. I’m really happy to be home, having been really out of touch, connectivity and all my usual routine. I missed my family mad amounts even though I had one son traveling with me.

Returning to fathers day, my moms 80th birthday and our wedding anniversary all on this day means I have a lot of love-giving to catchup on. I just wanted to share this Corn Chowder recipe which was made to sustain us on a very long and chilly boat trip overnight. Take 4 ears of corn and cut off the kernels: puree half the kernels, keep half whole. Boil the skinned cobs for a while to make a light corn broth. Meanwhile saute chopped onion, minced garlic, chopped bacon (natch), chopped jalapeno and sweet red peppers until softened. Add a cubed potato or two, the corn kernels, the pureed corn and the corn broth. Cook for about 30 minutes and add 1 cup of grated Monterrey jack cheese–stir until melted. Lastly stir in some cream of half and half. Salt and pepper to taste. I could not stop eating this soup!

Btw, I’m glad to be reconnected to everyone and daily posts will resume henceforth.

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  • Pru June 21, 2010 at 2:49 am

    I'm glad the trip went well Lucinda. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I made the easy chocolate cake from your book for a bake sale and it sold within minutes, now I will need to make one so that I can try it.

  • blahblahblani June 21, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    Recipe sounds delicious. I've been introduced to you and your new book via the Make Time for Change website. I love the recipes for kids on the site. Going to have to check out your book as I have two boys to feed and need ideas.

  • LUCINDA SCALA QUINN June 21, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    P: I love that recipe and it was the first cake I made as a little girl. But I'm more excited that you actually baked for the bake sale. Too many times I see store bought at the bake sales (oxymoron!)!BBB: I am so glad to here that you are checking out Make Time For Change. That meant a lot to me to team up with Jen, Save The Children and Frigidaire to teach about healthy snacks!Best, LSQ

  • Holly June 22, 2010 at 9:37 pm

    I can't wait to try the corn chowder. We will have fresh corn here in about four weeks!

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