Published by lscalaquinn
For anyone who doesn’t know, breakfast must be eaten by emerging beings, especially the boy variety. If you make it they will come. When they eat it they will know: functionality improves.
It took years of crappy cereal buying to realize the value of homemade granola. Ingredients can be controlled and slightly varied for weekly amusement. And unlike many varieties on the shelves, it’s fresh not rancid. But–taste all nuts, seeds and oils before dumping in a recipe as these are the things that go rancid so quickly and easily. Store these ingredients in the freezer to avoid that. If you don’t stock processed snacks in the kitchen, they’ll eventually turn to the granola too for snacks and late night raids—that sweet, salty, crunchy vibe is what a snack is all about anyway. This recipe organic rolled oats, coconut, almonds, honey…..other seeds etc and this week the fruit is dried cherry and golden raisin. Recipe to come in MH but–plenty of good ones can be found. Make it weekly–Sunday is a good day for it. Store in open obvious area and guaranteed its gone by next Sunday.
Boxed cereals are… well… BLECH! (not to offend any cereal producers) I like the idea of making a large batch on Sunday for the week.. if it lasts that long! Is there anything better than the salty/sweet combo?! Thanks Lucinda!
LSQ! i'm dying for well-tweaked (or smart-cook's opinion of) ratios for a NUT FREE granola recipe. i never eat granola because of my peanut AND tree nut allergies (not sesame or sunflower/punpkin/other seeds, tho; those are ok). i feel as if i'm missing out big time because i totally love the idea of granola and would totally make a great big batch homemade if i knew it was tried and true and wouldn't suck. any suggestions?
I need to try this. Recently I bought some buckwheat cereal and cooked up a batch of it like oatmeal and the kiddos and I love it. It's like oatmeal, but better. I leave a big container in the fridge and we reheat small bowls of it throughout the week.
Randi–Only for you RBH since I shouldn't be posting from my new book. But, my recipe minus almonds but plus pumpkin seeds will rock.Basic ratios: 1 ib rolled oats. 1/2 cup pumpkin or sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup sesame seeds or flax or both. Then–omit the coconut (boohoo). Little salt, cinnamon or whatever spice flavor you like–vanilla? Toss all together. Meanwhile mix maple syrup or honey w/olive oil or sunflower oil and hot water (1/2 cup each sweetner and oil–1/3 water)blend and toss with oat mixture. Spread on 2 baking sheets, 250 degrees about an hour til golden brown–toss after a while. Cool and mix w/raisins and fav dried fruit.LSQ
Marthaandme:::Buckwheat rocks! Get some extra protein into those kids and they will be happy. Thanks for saying hi.LSQ
guess what? i'm not allergic to coconut! it's a fruit… and one of my fave flavors. so stop yer snifflin for me! i'll be alriiiight! xo. SUPER THX for the ratios!