Happy Birthday LSQ!

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Hi Mad Hungry-ers!

Today’s my birthday and I’m celebrating by offering all my hungry fans out there something special. If you join through this link you’ll have free shipping for a week, but what’s even better is that if you join and link your facebook account to OpenSky, you’ll get $15 credit + free shipping for the week. And so you know, my profile is linked with facebook, which is fun because you can see what friends are on OpenSky and find what the stuff they’re loving. Explore some of my old favorites like the much adored spurtle and other go-to staples such as Frigoverre storage containers, La Chamba cookware, and Florian Bellanger’s madly delicious handmade French macarons. There’s also plenty of new goodies on their way – check out the pizza pack that includes a ceramic stone, server, and cutter. Enjoy my gift to you!


  • Erin July 13, 2012 at 11:31 am

    Happy Birthday LSQ. Can you tell us what is happening with MH without having to purchase something from Open Sky?


  • Brett July 13, 2012 at 11:34 am

    All of my “hungry fans”???? Notice how there is no mention of “Mad Hungry” in the birthday/selling products message. I guess MH is no longer “alive and well” like it was (but we knew better) back in January. What a shame.


  • Angela July 13, 2012 at 11:44 am

    I enjoy your show and blog. However I am extremely disappointed when you and others link information and opportunities to Facebook exclusively.

    Many people like myself for professional and personal reasons do not belong to Facebook. It is very short sided to leave us our.

  • Terry July 13, 2012 at 11:45 am

    Happy Birthday, Lucinda. I want more Mad Hungry like everyone else.


  • Pascale July 13, 2012 at 1:13 pm

    Is Mad Hungry finished? Will there be any more shows? I am so sad to keep seeing repeats, over and over and over, especially since yours was the best cooking show on television.

    Please keep those that love you and buy your book updated.

  • Perry July 13, 2012 at 1:40 pm

    I agree 100 percent with Angela. Everyone is not on Facebook. It’s very one sided to do that to fans. And Pascale, you said it, “those who buy your books”. It would be nice if we can be filled in, since we’ve been so supportive of the show.


  • Gail July 14, 2012 at 9:18 am

    Happy, Happy Birthday and many more.
    Keep up the good work..Enjoy watching you…

  • Lynn Polonski July 14, 2012 at 12:56 pm

    I too want to wish you a ” Happy Birthday !” Please do not let Mad Hungry go away. Your show is the BEST ! !

  • emily bass July 14, 2012 at 10:18 pm

    Happy ,Happy Birthday……..I hope your men pampered you today!

  • Sharon July 15, 2012 at 12:10 am

    With these nice well wishes, it would be nice if they were acknowledged. None of our comments have been answered for months.


  • Jane M July 15, 2012 at 12:32 am

    I think that if LSQ could tell us what is happening with her show, she would. No doubt for some reason she herself is unable to give any specific information to the public and Hallmark chooses not to be forthcoming. It’s quite frustrating for loyal fans but we shouldn’t be ragging on LSQ. If you have to be critical, let it be of Hallmark. The Network calls the shots.

  • Jane M July 15, 2012 at 12:36 am

    I just noticed that the birthday picture today was taken on her Mad Hungry set so that gives me hope that the show is still alive even though if and when she is back, the set might be a totally new one. 🙂

  • Jean July 15, 2012 at 5:02 pm

    Jane M: That is an old picture of LSQ on the MH set. The show is OVER on Hallmark Channel. (It would be nice if it turns up somewhere else.)


  • Rita July 16, 2012 at 8:17 am

    I spoke to Hallmark and they said reruns, no new shows.If they are saying it, why can’t LSQ???? Don’t get it.


  • Terri Zezza July 17, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    I just wanted to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday. I love watching your show and I make your recipies all the time. Your have very handsome sons and they will make someeone a great husband one day. My husband also enjoys your cooking. Great job! Have a great summer!

  • Sue Federico July 17, 2012 at 12:48 pm

    Happy belated birthday to a very classy lady whose show “Mad Hungry” I try to watch nearly every AM on Hallmark Channel. You are INDEED host the best cooking show in all of T.V. & I hope that Hallmark Channel will continue your show althought I’ve heard that perhaps this is not true!!!!!

    Also, I wanted to comment that I am NOT on Facebook for both personal & social reasons & do not like going on just to receive your product give-a-ways.

    I’ve also bought your cookbook “Mad Hungry” & have used MANY recipes from your very enjoyable cookbook.


  • E Jensen July 17, 2012 at 7:52 pm

    LSQ, Love your style! Love your show! Happy birthday and cheers to many more! I too am sorry to see your show gone! Record it and watch it often. Bought the book; it’s my go-to. Wish your 3 sons were my 3 sons ages so I would have had your great ideas when they were younger. It is still great tho they’re all grown. I too cannot be on Facebook for personal and professional reasons. In fact this is my first public post. Wish the world didn’t revolve around Facebook, tho I get it. I hope to see you soon somewhere on the air!

  • Camille July 19, 2012 at 4:56 am

    Hi LSQ! You’re awesome! Happy belated birthday. I am sad to hear your show may not continue, I didn’t realize all of the shows I’ve been watching are reruns, since I’ve been watching them for awhile now. They are still wonderful and you are a great host. You seem so down to earth and from the shows I can see you are a wonderful friend, mother and wife. I will definitely miss you and hope your shows reruns will continue for a long time, if there aren’t going to be new ones, which I truly hope there will be. Thank you Lucinda for all the great recipes and just for being there every morning, you are a blast to watch, and I seriously could watch you all day! Your boys are handsome and respectful and they always make me laugh when they join you on a show. Mad Hungry has been such an awesome cooking show, I’ve learned alot from you. Take care Lucinda, along with your family, and I truly hope we (your fans) can see you again very soon cooking up a new or old recipe in your cast iron pan! 🙂 We love you & Take care!

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