Spurtlemania + Cravings on QVC at 1PM EST

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Hi Folks,

I just wanted to write a quick note before I go on QVC with In The Kitchen with David in about a half hour. I made it back successfully back from Florida this morning after a ton of fun in South Beach (more to tell later) and rolled right into QVC headquarters.

At 1PM EST I’ll be on QVC Selling my QVC-EXCLUSIVE Mad Hungry Spurtle Set with the Spurtle and the Little Spurt AND my new Cookbook, Mad Hungry Cravings. Today’s theme is the “Golden Spurtle Awards” and don’t you think that the Spurtle is the ULTIMATE Golden spatula?

I am so excited for the opportunity and all the Mad Hungry love I’ve been getting from all of you about it! Tune in to QVC at about 1:10PM EST TODAY and tell your friends, I’d love to hear from some of my Mad Hungry fans by phone.

Above are some of the behind the scenes pictures as we set up our tables.

  • Abby February 24, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    i’m sure you won’t approve this to go on the blog, but i think you should know how i feel about this.
    it’s such a shame Lucinda lowered herself to have her spurtles now made of bamboo and in china. the two people who she’s hurting is her original vendor and Kitchen Carver who makes them out of maple and cherrywood. we all craved that tool she used on tv and sought it out on open skye and through web searching. i bought mine from Harry even before Lucinda used him for open skye. now you’ve taken away the mystique of this tool and also business away from USA producers. that’s so sad.

  • Debbie T February 24, 2013 at 5:36 pm

    Thanks for the heads up Abby. I googled and found the kitchen carver spurtles online. I never knew there was such a thing!

  • Carla Semola February 24, 2013 at 9:58 pm

    Abby, the original handcarved spurtle was made by James Wilson in Seattle — for a short time, he made them exclusively for LSQ for Opensky. I see that he is once again offering them for sale on his website so they are still available. I have both Wilson’s original as well as the Kitchen Carver version and have ordered the MH set as well — can’t have too many spurtles! I give LSQ credit for making them out of a “green” wood and being able to meet the high demand (sold out on QVC within minutes!)(which Wilson probably couldn’t do since it took too much time to make them handmade) – but I agree with you that they shouldn’t have been made outside of the USA.

  • Lena February 25, 2013 at 4:40 pm

    Can’t wait for your tour with the book. Any stops on Long Island, NY? That would be great. I hope MH returns with new episodes. Would love for you to cook with John Contratti again. He’s done quite a bit since you introduced us to him. I see on his blog, he’s with the “Food 52” ladies, Amanda and Merrill. I love their site also. Can’t wait to see you on Long Island.


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