Week Night Dinner
Published by lscalaquinn
How happy I was to come home to dinner tonight–shopped for and cooked by hubs. Served and cleaned up for by first born son. SOmetimes–SOMEtimes things work out how you hoped and prayed they might. All that training, and I do mean good home training pays off now and then. THanks boyzzz. All recipes from Mad Hungry. Two pics of the same dinner are pictured here; flatroasted chicken (AGAIN!), rice pilaf, sauteed kale and avocado salad. One image a straight iphone photo. The other hipstamatic groovester app. Is the groove app cool or annoying?
Sheesh, I just left a huge comment and it got swallowed up by the blogsphere somehow! I will write it again but I am afraid it might come back later somehow and I'll look completely bonkers.I'll do a quick summary…being a photographer and food blog lover I much prefer the crisp, clean shots used by Smitten Kitchen, The Pioneer Woman and such over the trendy shots. I DO adore the iphone aps and do want to get one, but just not for food pics.Your Mad Hungry movement is amazing…I have three boys as well, (who have declared themselves "meat-a-tarians")your recipes are perfect for our family. I also must say I am so jealous of the concept, name, design and everything about Mad Hungry, it's brilliant. Wishing you well on your upcoming show too. We don't have TV but I will try and watch via the internet. Mommas of boys seem to be kindred spirits somehow and your style is a perfect fit for where I am at right now in my life.I am writing about your projects on my daily page Snickerdoodles tonight with full links andsuch. My page is a journey to follow my bliss…obviously you have found your path and sharing about creative women like yourself is my favorite subject to write about.best!kerry http://www.snickerdoodles.typepad.com(p.s. If my other comment makes an appearance later please disregard and delete)