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Not to beat a dead cabbage but–this variety of cabbage which behaves like kale is kind of insane as pointed out on yesterdays MH FB page post by Kempe Minifie (former executive food editor Gourmet magazine). Should you have a garden, I recommend getting these seeds. Unlike most other cabbages, there is so little water contained within that when it’s cooked it has practically the same volume as raw which you can see from the pics here. Therefore, it feeds many more mouths than your average head of cabbage. It fed last nights dinner and this mornings breakfast too. Put fried eggs on just about any leftover for breakfast and they eat it.

In this family, we love cabbage–all of us. (Last night while fending off one stalking boy awaiting the roast chicken, a preview bowl of cabbage actually did the trick.) We make it at least once a week and they have been trained to love it. As I say in MH–this does not happen over night, rather I’ve been cooking it for the kids ever since they started eating solid food (vegetable eaters are made not born). And, because it is an absolute nutritional powerhouse (like sweet potatoes too) it packs a little something for everyone. It’s loaded with phytochemicals called indoles which burns up excess estrogen (uhhmm, ladies?), has proven anti-cancer enzymes, and is loaded with Vitamin C and many B’s too. And it’s got to be one of the greatest $$ value veggies out there. To cook it here I got a large pan very hot, added olive oil, 4 clove sliced garlic, half teaspoon hot pepper flakes, saute 30 seconds (don’t burn) added the cabbage and stir-sauteed for about 10 minutes till just tender but still a bit crunchy and slightly caramelized too.

If I haven’t lost you yet, and have peaked your cabbage interest then check out more from this fantastic story (and breathtaking pics) in the January issue of Martha Stewart Living

A note re this blog. Here, I am a cook who photographs the best I can. While I adore beautiful food pics (and randomly make one now and then)–in this venue–I’m more interested in the moment, the meaning, and the process of the food. This explains why there is often a yucky yellow cast over some pics (and other probs too). It’s often night, I’m cooking, the light sucks, the household is crazy–whatever. There are many gorgeous food blogs and maybe one day this will be too.

But, the so-beautiful-I have-t0-eat-it-right-now pics, I get to make on my day job at Martha Stewart–working with the best photographers and an incredible group of colleagues who style, art direct and edit. For the best food pics ever—-go there too and support this beautiful magazine:

Ok–think I’ll take a break from eggs, cabbage and chicken for a while.

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  • kamran siddiqi February 7, 2010 at 2:01 pm

    De-lish! I totally understand what you mean about the photos, blogging,etc. I had never really picked up a camera until April of last year when I started my blog. I googled some photography techniques, and just began shooting. I upgraded from the webcam on my MacBook to my cell phone camera, to a cheapo $110 Canon camera that has served me well since June of last year. Hopefully next week, I'll have an awesome new professional camera in my hands, and my photos will much better. Over the past few months with my cheapo camera, I've learned to milk it a lot. I mean A LOT! Since then, I've learned how to manipulate some of the annoyances that I had experienced in the past with the camera… One of the biggest annoyances was the yellow cast that you're currently experiencing. I eventually learned how to fix it, while playing with a few camera settings. The simple solution: There should be a setting somewhere in your digital camera that allows you to use a setting called "tungsten." It should make the photos appear a little less yellow-y. Also, If you have a desk lamp, I'd move them it into the kitchen when taking your photos if lighting is an issue for you at night. Anyway, I am no professional photographer or anything, but I have learned a lot over the past few months, and felt that I could share a little bit of what I learned. Have an awesome day!

  • kamran siddiqi February 7, 2010 at 2:10 pm

    P.S. for sharper shots, I'd use the macro setting on your camera (usually represented by a flower symbol). I keep it on all of the time, as it allows for sharper shots. Also, when using that setting on your camera, press the shutter button half way down, so it can focus the camera, and then press it all of the way down.

  • Alena February 8, 2010 at 1:39 am

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.Alena

  • LUCINDA SCALA QUINN February 8, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    Kamran:Your suggestions will be explored. Thanks for taking the time to explain. Alena: Thanks for visiting Mad Hungry and saying hi too.Best,LSQ

  • Margaret Smith October 31, 2010 at 6:10 pm

    Don’t get fancy !!Stay homey.

    The BEST cooking show on TV !!! Bar none!

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